9 tips on how not to act when working from home during coronavirus outbreak



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Across the world, the COVID-19 outbreak is consuming headlines! The coronavirus, which originated in Wuhan, China, has affected many countries across the globe, changing the daily habits of millions of people, including their work. To limit the spread of the virus, many employers are taking precautionary measures like cancelling in-person meetings, travel bans, and encouraging employees to work from home.

Since the Internet, mobile phones, and most business applications are omnipresent these days, transiting the workload from the office to home is relatively easy for most people. Despite the temptation of staying in Pajamas all-day and working from our favourite couch, working at home can be tough at times. Just like oxygen, distractions are everywhere, creating havoc on both mental health and efficiency.

If you have decided to work from home, here are 9 tips that you can follow to make your remote work a lot easier. We have compiled these tips based on suggestions by our various readers and the experts in the industry we talk to. Take a look.

Image credits:MinDof/Shutterstock

Do not get distracted by social media, set times to check news updates

Following the updates in regards to coronavirus pandemic on social media often can have a severe psychological impact on one’s ability to stay focused, calm, and creative, even if you are not affected.

Also, you don’t need to know about each event about the virus, because following these events closely does nothing to make you safe. To maintain balance and stay sane during work hours, it is better to set a specific time to check updates.

Image credits: PlusONE/Shutterstock

Not having a proper workstation? Get rented furniture!

The second most important thing is to establish a workspace, it may be a corner in your hall or dining room, to get your job done. If you don’t have a proper workstation, we would suggest you get the things on rent – furniture, suitable desk for a laptop or a table fan. Make sure you have the right workspace and can’t be bothered in the middle hours. It might sound silly, but it can make a huge psychological difference.  In-home, if you don’t set clear boundaries, it’s easy to become overwhelmed from both sides. 

Don’t ignore to purchase the right tools which are important for your productivity

Thirdly, make sure you’ve got the right equipment to get the job done. The odds are that your company supplied you with a laptop and a company-supplied VPN if you are dealing with sensitive information. Other software and hardware that’s handy to have is teleconferencing software, high-quality printers, high-speed routers, headphones, phone charger, and more.

Image credits: fizkes/Shutterstock

Not planning your breaks properly

Working from home presents its own challenges, so it is vital to structure your day like you would in office. Since you are working from home, you’re your manager. In this case, try to have clear breaks. Instead of opening Facebook or YouTube, try to take a short walk in your garden or spend time with others. Also, lunch breaks and small coffee breaks at a fixed time can recharge you to do better work.

Not exercising or not taking a gym break at home

To be more productive, creative, and efficient, you need a refreshing mind. In this case, taking an exercise break and scheduling a sweat session in between can provide a natural burst of energy.

Not being realistic about what you can achieve

Working overtime without setting clear boundaries can lead to quick-burning out. Since you are in the home, the barrier between work and personal life like the distance between your office and home gets destroyed, leading you to work more hours than usual. Sometimes it can be tempting to squeeze in some work post-dinner, but again to sane and balance things, you need to create a ritual that separates work from your off time.

Image credits: insta_photos/Shutterstock

Don’t forget to be virtually sociable

You might work from home, but that doesn’t mean you need to stop communicating with office colleagues. It is advisable to interact with your colleagues through video chats to give transparency to your new work-life. Why? Because it is easy to form an opinion that you’re not doing your job, especially without seeing you in person. If possible, plan team drinks online or virtual home parties as well.

Learn to switch off and turn to home mode

Try to set the alarm and virtually pack things to end the day otherwise, you can easily get caught up in your activities. Try not to let work life bleed into your personal life. It is crucial to maintain boundaries for both halves of the equation.

Maintain basic hygiene and discipline.

Whether it is working from home or in office, it is essential to maintain hygiene and discipline. Pretend like you are going to the office. Do all the things you’d do to prepare for an office role: make coffee, get dressed, and make sure you are cleaning up your house and yourself daily.

Hope these tips will help you in working from home. If you have more suggestions or remote working tips, do share in the comments section below.

Main image credits: Ulza/Shutterstock

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