Event of the month: Top 5 reasons to be a part of DNNL unConference 2024 



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In today’s rapidly changing world, diversity and inclusion have become crucial elements for the success and growth of businesses. 

Recognising the need to foster innovation and create a more inclusive startup ecosystem, the Dutch New Narrative Lab (DNNL) has launched the DNNL unConference. 

On February 10, 2023, this conference brings together industry experts, peers, investors, and corporates to accelerate the growth of meaningful businesses.

Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, an industry expert, or a passionate advocate for diversity and inclusion, this article will provide five solid reasons why you should attend and participate in this remarkable event.

#1 To improve access to innovative entrepreneurship

 The Dutch New Narrative Lab (DNNL) initiative developed from a Diversity Exploration commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate in the Dutch startup ecosystem.  

The mission of the DNNL Foundation is to improve access to innovative entrepreneurship for underrepresented groups in the Dutch startup scene, including women, individuals with a migration background, LGBTQ+ individuals, neurodiverse individuals, and scientists.

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DNNL aims to foster diversity and inclusion in startups, scale-ups, and corporate ventures in Benelux and Germany, with economic ties to the Dutch economy.

# 2 DNNL’s three-fold approach

DNNL employs a comprehensive three-fold approach, comprising — the ecosystem monitor, the entrepreneurial lab, and the media platform, to transform the landscape of innovation and entrepreneurship.

The ecosystem monitor tracks progress in diversity and inclusion in Dutch startups, helping identify areas needing attention. The aim is to ensure genuine improvements, not just symbolic gestures.

The entrepreneurial lab serves as a fertile ground and incubator where entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds can leverage their unique perspectives and experiences. 

Recognising diversity as more than a social imperative, the lab views it as a source of innovation, creativity, and competitiveness. 

It aims to provide opportunities for entrepreneurs from both underrepresented and overrepresented groups to harness the superpower of diversity and inclusion.

Media platform: DNNL collaborates to create a media platform challenging the stereotypical image of the “innovative entrepreneur.” It celebrates the achievements of individuals regardless of their background, aiming to change the prevailing narrative and break stereotypes.

The objective is to revolutionise the prevailing and often inhibiting image, essentially flipping the script on the “innovative entrepreneur” stereotype.

#3 DNNL unConference 2024: Transcending background, gender, ethnicity

The DNNL unConference is more than just an event; it is a commitment to valuing every individual’s unique contributions, transcending background, gender, ethnicity, or orientation. 

This year, DNNL unConference 2024 will take place on February 10, 2023, coinciding with the rich heritage of the Lunar (Chinese) New Year. It is a day dedicated to celebrating diversity and committing to a future where every voice matters, and diversity is recognised as a strength

#4 Movement towards positive, inclusive change

.Attending the DNNL unConference is an opportunity to join a movement toward positive, inclusive change. 

DNNL unConference 2024 brings together founders, investors, industry experts, and corporates to share insights, network, and collaborate. 

Through panel discussions, keynote speeches, and interactive workshops, attendees will gain valuable knowledge and practical strategies to drive diversity and inclusion in their businesses and contribute to a more inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem.

#5 Celebrate the power of entrepreneurship

Mark your calendars for February 10, 2024, as the DNNL unConference promises to be a transformative event that celebrates diversity, inclusion, and the power of entrepreneurship.

Stay tuned as the registration opens soon!


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Vigneshwar Ravichandran

Vigneshwar has been a News Reporter at Silicon Canals since 2018. A seasoned technology journalist with almost a decade of experience, he covers the European startup ecosystem, from AI and Web3 to clean energy and health tech. Previously, he was a content producer and consumer product reviewer for leading Indian digital media, including NDTV, GizBot, and FoneArena. He graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Instrumentation in Chennai and a Diploma in Broadcasting Journalism in New Delhi.

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