Event of the month: 8 irresistible reasons why you should attend TNW Amsterdam 2024 in June



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Technology is ever-evolving, and staying ahead of the curve is paramount. 

TNW Conference 2024, scheduled for June 20th and 21st of 2024, in Amsterdam, presents an ideal opportunity to explore the cutting-edge innovations shaping our future. 

If you have an innovative idea that you want to showcase to potential investors, influencers, and customers, look no further than TNW Conference 2024, the ultimate platform for ambitious entrepreneurs.

This event is the premier destination for driven entrepreneurs seeking to make a lasting impact in the business world.

A glimpse into 2023

For 2023, the TNW Conference invited over 190 speakers to share fresh and unique insights that the audience could bring back to the office. 

Additionally, over 220 exhibiting companies showcased their work, increasing brand recognition and generating new leads. 

- A message from our partner -

The Startup Program helped more than 160 participating startups gain a competitive advantage and reach the next level through connections, business, and access to capital. 

The event drew over 10,000 attendees, who connected with peers and potential future employers during numerous networking sessions.

TNW Conference 2024 caters to the unique needs and interests of its diverse audience, offering tailored experiences that ensure a truly immersive and rewarding journey.

TNW for Startups

TNW for Startups Program offers you the opportunity to grow, scale, and generate visibility for your business at Europe’s leading tech festival. With the Bootstrap and Scale-up packages, startups can showcase their product to investors, change-makers, and potential customers.

If you’re actively seeking funding, want to grow your business, or build brand awareness, joining TNW for Startups is a must. 

However, to be selected, the companies must have been founded between 2018 and 2024, employ under 100 people, and build or market software or hardware products.

TNW for investors

TNW is recognised as a must-attend event for anyone looking to find new collaborators in the tech industry. This conference is the perfect place to expand your deal pipeline, meet co-investors, and create exciting opportunities.

TNW for Investors is for active investors working within venture capital firms, private equity firms, and corporate venturing. It is inclusive of institutional investors, LPs, family offices, and angel investors. This program is tailored for individuals seeking investment opportunities within the European market.

Theme for 2024

TNW sessions are known for being bold, insightful, and inspirational. The 190+ expert speakers will bring fresh new insights from the tech industry that can help transform the world of tomorrow. Covering a wide range of topics, these sessions can be categorised into seven themes:

  • Ren-AI-ssance: The AI-Powered Rebirth
  • TNT – The Next in Tech: Igniting Tomorrow’s Techscape
  • Sustainable Futures: People, Planet, Product
  • Finance Disrupted: Shaking The Foundations Of Finance
  • Pixels & Profit: Crafting Pixels, Maximizing Profits
  • Innovate: Sink Or Swim
  • Venture: Show Me The Money

TNW for Corporates

The TNW Conference offers opportunities for those looking to stay ahead in technology, accelerate their business growth, and drive significant organisational change. 

Whether you’re a small business just starting or a large corporation with over 500 employees, the TNW Conference is the perfect place for you. 

For large corporations, you can enhance your ESG strategy, promote diversity and inclusion in your teams, and gain insights into AI and strategic thinking to address industry challenges. 

For small corporations, you can generate high-quality leads expand your network through tailored networking events, workshops, and roundtables, and showcase your products to investors and other businesses to grow your contacts.

Organise your own side event

Bored with attending conferences? Want to go one step ahead? The TNW Conference 2024 in Amsterdam is now accepting applications for hosting a side event

By hosting a side event, you can connect with the right people. 

To apply, simply submit your details through the provided application form

However, do note that to be accepted, you’ll need to either have a partnership with TNW or have purchased a minimum of 2 tickets for the event.

Challenges and competitions

Pitch Battle competition

The conference also hosts a Pitch Battle competition, in which participants present their pitches to a panel of judges made up of investors, journalists, executives, and industry leaders. The judges will evaluate pitches on investment readiness, innovative market opportunity, the strength of the business concept/model, and the overall wow factor.

The champions of the 2024 Pitch Battle will receive a startup pod at TNW Conference 2025, along with the opportunity to have their ‘one year on’ story featured on TNW Talks at TNW Conference 2025. 

They will also receive press coverage for their winning startup, additional press coverage for the shortlisted startups, and a one-year subscription to the Financial Times. 

Additionally, they will have the chance to participate in a one-hour online pitch coaching session with Pitch Coach David Beckett, as well as access to David’s full online academy.

Furthermore, all Pitch Battle finalists will receive access to Pitch Coach David Beckett’s complete online academy, which includes seven courses covering topics such as Pitch Masterclass, Pitching to Investors, Managing Nerves, and Creating a One-Minute Pitch.

Extreme Tech Challenge: Deep Tech Pitch Battles

XTC’s 2024 Global DeepTech Competition aims to showcase the most innovative and transformative startups, ideas, and breakthroughs in sectors such as artificial intelligence, semiconductor technology, computing infrastructure, techbio, and quantum computing. 

Dutch Tech Innovator Competition

Attendees are invited to watch six exciting Dutch startups pitch their innovations in front of a live audience and jury as part of a global event. 

Unrivalled Networking

By attending the TNW Conference 2024, you can schedule 1:1 meetings with a diverse audience of industry leaders, startups, and investors. Build valuable relationships with C-level executives, digital natives, and tech enthusiasts, and expand your network.

Smart Investments

Discover new investment opportunities and expand your global investor network at the TNW Conference. Utilise the matchmaking platform to connect with up-and-coming entrepreneurs and seasoned investors, and uncover the next big thing in tech.

What are you waiting for? Join TNW Conference 2024, where the energy is electric, the networking opportunities are unparalleled, and the doors to success are wide open. Book your seats here.


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Vigneshwar Ravichandran

Vigneshwar has been a News Reporter at Silicon Canals since 2018. A seasoned technology journalist with almost a decade of experience, he covers the European startup ecosystem, from AI and Web3 to clean energy and health tech. Previously, he was a content producer and consumer product reviewer for leading Indian digital media, including NDTV, GizBot, and FoneArena. He graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Instrumentation in Chennai and a Diploma in Broadcasting Journalism in New Delhi.

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