Event of the month: 5 reasons why you should attend Turing Fest 2024 in July



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Have you been searching for the perfect event to elevate your tech career or startup? If yes, Turing Fest 2024 in Edinburgh is an event you can’t afford to miss.

Scheduled to take place at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC) from July 9-10, this unique “cross-functional tech gathering” brings together tech leaders, product managers, founders, and marketers from around the globe.

#1 A blend of multiple disciplines

Turing Fest 2024 is not just another tech conference. It’s a dynamic event where product, engineering, growth, revenue, leadership, and company-building meet in one of Europe’s most scenic cities.

With over 1,200 attendees, 40+ speakers, and 40+ partners, Turing Fest offers a balance of scale and intimacy that makes it an exceptional opportunity for learning and networking.

#2 A Diverse Audience

Whether you’re a seasoned tech leader or an up-and-coming software engineer, Turing Fest has something for everyone. The event attracts a diverse crowd, including:

  • Tech Leaders & C-Suite Executives
  • Product Managers
  • Marketers
  • Founders
  • Software Engineers
  • Growth Strategists
  • Salespeople
  • Early Stage Investors

This mix ensures that you’ll find valuable insights and connections, no matter your role in the tech ecosystem.

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#3 A Comprehensive Program

The festival features three curated tracks designed to help you excel in different areas:

  • BUILD – Focuses on engineering and product development.
  • GROW – Centers on go-to-market strategies and revenue optimisation.
  • LEAD – Explores culture, people, and operations management.

With this diverse set of topics, you’ll gain a well-rounded perspective on how to build, grow, and 

lead in the tech world.

#4 Engage in Meaningful Conversations

Turing Fest goes beyond traditional keynotes and panel discussions. You’ll have the chance to participate in hallway conversations, 1:1 meetings, roundtable discussions, and casual chats over coffee. 

These interactions provide a unique opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge from industry leaders in an informal setting.

#5 World-Class Speakers

One of Turing Fest’s biggest highlights is its lineup of world-class speakers. Imagine learning from the industry’s best minds, all gathered under one roof.

They bring real-world experience and actionable insights that you can apply to your projects. Whether it’s a keynote address or a roundtable discussion, you’ll walk away with valuable knowledge.

Turing Fest 2024: Event Schedule

Here’s a quick overview of the event:

  • Monday 8 July 2024 – 7 PM opening party
  • Tuesday, July 9, 2024: Doors open at 8 AM, and talks start at 9:30 AM for Day 1 of Turing Fest. Lunch, coffee, and happy hour are provided. There will also be a pub night/party on this night starting at about 6 PM.
  • Wednesday, 10 July, 2024 – 8 AM doors open, 9:30 AM talks start for Day 2 of Turing Fest. Lunch, coffee, and happy hour are provided. There will also be a closing party starting at about 6 PM. 


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Vigneshwar Ravichandran

Vigneshwar has been a News Reporter at Silicon Canals since 2018. A seasoned technology journalist with almost a decade of experience, he covers the European startup ecosystem, from AI and Web3 to clean energy and health tech. Previously, he was a content producer and consumer product reviewer for leading Indian digital media, including NDTV, GizBot, and FoneArena. He graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Instrumentation in Chennai and a Diploma in Broadcasting Journalism in New Delhi.

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