GoSpooky-founders launch Speaky: A new agency focused on voice technology and AI



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With the recent launch of the “Dutch” Google Assistant, and the release of Google Home later this year looks like voice assistants will finally make their breakthrough in the Netherlands. Eventually, voice-enabled services are increasingly becoming more important worldwide.

As per industry experts, in 2020, 81 million voice-controlled products will be sold, also 50% of all online searches will be voice searches and 1.8 billion consumers will use voice-enabled digital assistants.

To tap the potential of this growing market, Dutchmen Tim van der Wiel and Liam Tjoa have launched a new agency focused on voice and conversational AI – Speaky.

Previous founders of the advertising agency, GoSpooky, Tim van der Wiel and Liam Tjoa, were quoted saying in the official press release, “Voice technology is becoming essential in our lives. The possibilities are virtually endless, and it’s bound to drastically transform the way we interact with our devices. Our voice is the most natural way to communicate and voice-controlled devices will take away a lot of friction. This inspired us to start a new company around voice experiences together with Rens Poesse, formal CTO of Kinder Donations.”

A team of experienced developers, conversational designers and marketers will help brands to design strategies and intelligent solutions for voice. Besides strategies and solutions, the company has created their own software to simplify the development, measurement, and optimisation of voice-controlled experiences.

By using practical solutions, like existing data in a voice-based application, the Dutch startup hopes to create voice experiences which are easy to use and adds a clear value, for both brands and consumers.

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— Press release


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Akansha Srivastava

Akansha Srivastava previously served as Silicon Canals' Editor in Chief. A typical tech trend follower. Favourite job: analyzing the global tech industry. A true camera geek, gadget lover and travel enthusiast. You can reach her via [email protected].

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