Howaboutsales raises €700K to make data exchange efficient. How about that?



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Inefficient working systems are something of the past, at least they should be. In our digitalized era, we have the right means to communicate efficiently. However, many companies are still not making use of available techniques. Howaboutsales is there to help companies work more efficiently. The Dutch-Belgian startup offers a SaaS solution that lets companies efficiently exchange data with their clients. Now that they brought in an investment of €700K it is time to expand.


How is it possible that data exchange is often so inefficient? You request a quote online, spend 30 minutes filling an entire form about your company, and make an appointment. Arrived at the appointment, the person sitting across from you has no idea who you are, and you have to give all the information again. A situation like that should be something from the past, and that’s why Howaboutsales created a new tool. Howaboutsales brings companies what they call a “BRM-solution” (Business Relationship Management). The software tool is created for companies to communicate more efficiently with their partners or distributors. The idea is that a business runs smoother when important data is collected on a central point that is easily accessible to all involved. Features of the tool are for example lead management throughout the business chain, and a joint business planning.


picceoBut, Howaboutsales is about more than software solutions. The startup also offers a consultancy service to clients. Together with the client they look at what the client needs, and how the BRM-solution can help to realize the company’s targets. Purpose of these consults is to find a suitable and creative solution, adapted to the needs of the company. CEO and co-founder Friedrich Pétré: “With our focus on BRM, we developed a vision about how the digital triangle client, head-office, and sales partner will evaluate, and what the challenges will be. This expertise distinguishes us from existing CRM-providers, and makes it interesting for clients to work with us.”


A few years ago, Howaboutsales was already developing a CRM-tool. They launched their current BRM-tool only in 2016, what they see as their real start. In four months, they raised the starting capital of €700.00, – through several funding initiatives: KBC Brussels, Bolero Crowdfunding, BNP Paribas Fortis, and a few business angels. They are talking with Innoviris for more funding, as they wish to expand to the rest of Europe.


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Laura Vrijsen

Discourse and argumentation studies graduate who loves to meditate. Reporter at Silicon Canals.

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