Welcome to Silicon Canals 3.0: a fresh look to celebrate our 10th anniversary



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Ten years ago, I regularly cycled along the beautiful Amsterdam canals, visiting various exciting startups. During one of those rides, inspired by the sun reflecting on the canals and the founders’ passion, I came up with the name we have been proudly using ever since: ‘Silicon Canals.’

Looking back at 2014, I realised there was a lack of reliable startup news sources for insiders and outsiders. As a journalist and communications expert, this drove me to start a media platform for startups covering not only the Netherlands but also the Benelux and Europe.

To mark our 10-year journey and reaffirm our commitment to the European startup ecosystem, we are excited to introduce Silicon Canals 3.0. With a robust backend to match the growing demand of news from the European tech ecosystem, and a clean, fresh look, we’re ready for the next decade.

I owe a huge thanks to Bright Idiots and their ‘head bright idiot’, Ruud Caris, for their hard work in building the website. Their guidance and expertise have been invaluable.

Silicon Canals’ 10th anniversary

To celebrate Silicon Canals’ upcoming 10th anniversary, we unveiled a special logo in the shape of a 10, featured prominently.

I want to express my gratitude to Anahí Páez, my indispensable partner behind the scenes, who provided strategic guidance and made things happen – like the logo update.

- A message from our partner -

Looking back again, it’s incredible to see how much the startup scene has matured. What was once a trendy purpose has become a crucial part of Europe’s future economy.

Today, Silicon Canals firmly stands as the premier English-language news provider for the European tech startup ecosystem.

Dedicated team

None of this would have been possible without our editorial team of experienced tech journalists, led by our talented editor-in-chief, Rahul Raj.

I also want to acknowledge our senior editor, Karthek Iyer, news reporter Vishal Singh, and longest-serving news contributor, Vigneshwar Ravichandran, for their admirable work.

We are sincerely grateful to you – our valued community – for your ongoing support. Please continue to send us your news and reach out to us as media partners, so we can keep sharing “Europe’s perspective on the technology industry’ with the world.


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Remco Janssen

Remco Janssen founded Silicon Canals in 2014 and is its CEO and publisher, responsible for partnerships and business development. He is an expert in digital media, covering European startups, scale-ups, and venture capital. In the past, he founded Proudly Represents, the Netherlands’ first communications and PR agency for tech startups while mentoring hundreds of them. Prior to that, he worked at Europe’s first food order website, Urbanbite, and was a football journalist for Dagblad De Pers. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism from the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht.

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