42workspace: Rotterdam finally gets a hub for tech startups



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A hub for tech- startups recently opened its doors to entrepreneurs and innovators in Rotterdam. 42workspace is a co-working office for startups focused on tech related projects situated in the heart of the famous port city. The startup hub features over 200 square meters of floor space spread over over five floors. 42Workspace is the first co-working hub that focuses solely on tech-startups in the region. The tech-hub is an initiative of Keadyn and other private investors who pooled together 4.5 million in funding to bring the concept to life.

Finally, Rotterdam Gets a Hub for Tech-Startups

As a venture capital firm focused on supporting startups Keadyn realized that there was a lack of work-spaces for young tech firms or those just starting out. This led to the creation of the much need hub at 42Workspace. Companies looking to move and work in the tech hub are carefully picked by Keadyn. However, with investments in digital startups that include Crobox and Notificare, among others, the VC firm is well placed to make that call.

Like-minded people


Speaking in a press release announcing the opening of 24Workspace, Patricio de Boom, managing director at the startup hub had this to say about the initiative: “We want to build a tech-community of like-minded people,” . . . “We are creating a culture wherein everyone can add value and help one another. In the short time we’ve been open, we have already seen significant collaboration and interaction between the startups”.

Healthy meals

42workspace also aims to provide a unique catering and hospitality environment as well. Healthy meals-startup 42 True Food Kantine is set to open at the hub at the end of June. When complete, the tech startup co-working space will boast enough room for around 60 startups. That includes over 250 well equipped work spots and the flexible office spaces can be rented on a monthly basis. All facilities at the location will be offered on a single all-in-one price. 

Providing a Work-Life Balance for Startups

42workspace - tech startup hub Rotterdam

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With the intense focus on growth that comes with running a startup, a work-life balance is usually non-existent for founders and staff. 42Workspace looks to solve this problem by offering more than just office space with a good WiFi connection. The lively community here gets a shared kitchen, meeting rooms, and common areas. The hub also provides an international network of investors, startups, and other partners. All these are designed to provide a host of benefits for 42Workspace startups.

Right connections

“It’s crucial to have the right connections, particularly in the early stages of a startups. 42workspace provides tech-entrepreneurs with precisely the environment they need in order to focus on what is most important: growth.” says Ohad Gilad, founder of 42workspace and managing partner of main investor Keadyn.

Work, eat, play

The tech startup-hub differentiates itself from other co-working spaces by providing a more balanced work-life environment. The hub operates more like a home office for tech  entrepreneurs. 42workspace simply calls this ; work, eat, play. This means that people based at the hub have the opportunity to do everything from having lunch to working out at the Rotterdam location. With five floors of office space, 42workspace is surely capable of providing such amenities. Startups can even host events to network and share knowledge for example.


De Boom has already seen such collaboration in action in the short time that 42workspace has been open. 42workspace’s main goal is to create a culture where like minded people can help each other as they work on their startups. The director believes that 24workspace is ideal for startups in their early growth stages. Consequently, the co-working hub is best suited to new or young companies of up to 10 people.


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