French startup Energysquare develops unique multi-device wireless charging technology, snaps €3M funding



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As a part of the wireless technology revolution, the capacity to keep our devices powered without the need for sockets and plugs could prove to be more than just a convenience. Who knows, it could revolutionise the way we live as well. 

In this regard, Energysquare, a French startup that is developing a new generation of wireless chargers has secured €3 million funding led by leading VC firm Partech

‘Accelerate development in Asia and US’

“This new round of financing will enable us to accelerate our development in Asia and the United States, where the main manufacturers of electronic devices are located, and to provide our customers with the best possible support on the spot” explains Timothée Le Quesne. “However, some parts of the financing will be invested in R&D and IP as well.” 

Also commenting on the investment, Alison Imbert, Investment Director at Partech, says, “When Timothée and Daniel came to present their technology and strategy, we were all very impressed by what this young team had managed to develop in a few years when electronic giants have been persistently pursuing induction-based technologies for decades, without being able to develop a viable technology. It’s an incredible feat on the part of this team to have taken up the challenge of conduction totally at the opposite end of the market, creating a 100% functional technology and then convincing a major industrialist in such a short time.” 

Image credits: Energysquare

‘New wireless charging technology: Power by Contact’

Founded in 2015 by Daniel Lollo, Timothée Le Quesne, and Matthieu Poidatz, Energysquare already has a portfolio of international patents, registered thanks to the support of France Brevets.

Talking about the product with Silicon Canals, Timothée Le Quesne, says, “Energysquare has developed a new wireless charging technology: Power by Contact. Unlike inductive charging technologies on the market, Power by Contact allows the wireless charging of several devices simultaneously, at the same speed as a conventional charger, at high power, and without energy loss.”

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Unlike many other induction charging solutions, Power by Contact operates by conduction, which is a concentrate of advanced microelectronics and algorithms that allow users to charge all their devices simultaneously on a single surface, at maximum speed, without electromagnetic waves. 

“This has many advantages for users: no interference, no overheating, no energy loss. In addition, Power by Contact is the first technology that allows any laptop to be charged wirelessly.”

Technological partnership with Lenovo

Notably, Energysquare has succeeded notably in convincing Lenovo, the Chinese industrial giant, and leader in the sector, to sign a technological partnership to explore integration into their new laptop models. 

Commenting on the partnership, Timothée Le Quesne says, “Energysquare announced a technology partnership with Lenovo at CES 2020. The objective for Energysquare is to have Power by Contact technology adopted by several electronic device manufacturers, to become the next charging standard.” 

In fact, at CES 2020, the two companies demonstrated the first Lenovo notebook models embedding Energysquare’s Power by Contact technology.

Right now, the Paris-based company provides Power by Contact technology mainly to electronic device manufacturers. Timothée Le Quesne also added, “Energysquare provides Power by Contact technology as a license to device manufacturers that can embed this revolutionary wireless charging technology directly into their products.”

Main image credits: Energysquare

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