Technology startup Rierino partners with FeatureMind to deliver seamless e-commerce and digital transformation experiences in EMEA

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Rierino, the next-generation startup behind low-code technology solutions for e-commerce and digital transformation, has announced a partnership with FeatureMind. The seasoned digital transformation house will augment its solution portfolio with Rierino’s technologies for rapid high-impact transformations. Both companies will together support ambitious retailers and enterprises in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa to enhance their digital commerce operations.

Since it was founded in 2020, Rierino has emerged as a rising challenger in the composable e-commerce space improving flexibility and cost-effectiveness of enterprise-grade software development with its low-code/no-code platform. From the launch of Rierino Core platform to expanding their team in Europe, the startup has been taking a methodical approach to building its platform and supporting digital transformation in EMEA.

The partnership with FeatureMind is another step in the ambitious journey of Rierino to equip digital businesses and service partners with unparalleled agility to achieve their demanding targets.

Complementary strengths

Rierino Product 1
| Image Credit: Rierino

The partnership between Rierino and FeatureMind stems from the convergence of client needs and the complementary strengths of both companies. “We started hearing about Rierino from our clients who were impressed with the platform’s adaptability and rapid innovation features,” says Gokhan Girgin, co-founder and CTO at FeatureMind.

Girgin adds, “This feedback spurred us to explore a collaboration with Rierino, whose values and technological capabilities align perfectly with our mission to deliver exceptional digital experiences.”

With its extensive experience in e-commerce and digital transformation, FeatureMind has consistently been able to create innovative digital solutions for prestigious clients such as Mamas&Papas, Bloomingdale’s, Swarovski, and Lacoste. Rierino sees this deep understanding of retail dynamics and innovative mindset as perfectly aligning with its own commitment to excellence.

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With the partnership, FeatureMind will be able to bring Rierino Core platform and high-impact modules to its clients helping them reduce development time down to a few hours while improving efficiencies. They will also be able to take advantage of real-time generative AI (GenAI) and ML capabilities to be integrated into any customer interaction or workflow enabling smart automation and higher productivity.

“Our platform’s intuitive design and advanced capabilities, such as real-time generative AI and machine learning integration, enable FeatureMind to deliver personalised, efficient, and scalable e-commerce experiences,” says Berkin Ozmen, co-founder and CTO of Rierino.

Rierino’s Product Information Management (PIM) module will allow retailers to manage their product catalogues more efficiently while its Content Management System (CMS) will help retailers create and update content rapidly across channels. “This means FeatureMind’s clients will benefit from fast deployments, smart automation, and a more agile response to market demands,” adds Ozmen.

Driving Europe’s digital transformation

From left to right: Rierino founders Utku Sarioz, Berkin Ozmen, & Mine Bayrak Ozmen | Image Credit: Rierino

Speed and flexibility are two of the biggest challenges faced by retailers and with the partnership, Rierino says retailers will see a dramatic improvement in these two metrics. Ozmen tells me the flexible nature of Rierino’s platform will allow retailers to easily adapt to new business requirements without any downtime.

The combination of reduced development time, faster deployment, and agility will allow retailers in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa to stay competitive. The retailers will also benefit from a user-friendly, intuitive, and inclusive interface provided by Rierino’s LCNC platform, which supports easier onboarding and engagement across a broader user base.

While FeatureMind retailers gain exposure to a revolutionary platform, Rierino stands to further its goal of becoming the backbone of the digital transformation journey of European businesses. Ozmen sees the partnership as helping them play a pivotal role in supporting the digital transformation of European businesses by providing them with an adaptable platform that aligns with specific business strategies and technological requirements.

“The partnership with FeatureMind means that European enterprises can leverage Rierino‘s advanced features to create tailored e-commerce solutions that meet their unique needs,” Ozmen elaborates. With support for a wide range of business models, including B2C, B2B, and marketplaces, Rierino has built a versatile platform. “With FeatureMind’s expertise, Rierino is in a position to offer a comprehensive solution that drives innovation and efficiency,” quips Ozmen.

“By integrating Rierino’s technology, we can help our clients achieve seamless digital transformations that are fully compliant with local regulations and optimised for the European market,” adds Girgin.

Remarkable opportunity

Europe’s digital transformation market is poised to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.5 per cent from 2023 to 2030. The market is expected to reach $832B by 2030, offering enormous opportunities for businesses like Rierino to not only expand but also grow their product offering.

However, the Turkish startup has always championed the idea of not scaling this European digital transformation market alone. Mine Bayrak Ozmen, who co-founded the startup with Berkin Ozmen and Utku Sarioz, told me in March their growth strategy in Europe centres around growing with a network of trusted partners actively promoting and implementing Rierino’s solutions.

The partnership being announced today will help Rierino to pair its high-impact products like PIM and CMS modules with FeatureMind’s established presence and reputation across EMEA.

“FeatureMind’s long standing relationships with leading brands provide us with invaluable access to a wide range of opportunities. This collaboration allows us to showcase our innovative solutions to a broader audience and strengthen our position in the European e-commerce technology space,” says Ozmen.

“Together, we are poised to set new benchmarks in the industry and deliver unparalleled value to our clients. This partnership not only accelerates our mutual growth but also reinforces our commitment to leading the digital transformation journey in Europe,” he adds.


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Karthek Iyer

Karthek Iyer is the Senior Editor and Content Marketing Lead at Silicon Canals, covering news and partner content. He leads our collaboration with clients like AWS, Remote, Flippa, Techleap, Startup Amsterdam, etc. Previously he was a personal technology writer reviewing consumer products at leading Indian newspaper and digital media outlets such as Indian Express, Digit, BGR India, and Pricebaba. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in Engineering and lives in Mumbai.

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