Robocath: French medical robotics startup dedicated to cardiology grabs €5M funding



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At present, we are at a crucial juncture in the field of robotics! Every day, discoveries are being made that push us inevitably toward a future, where robots do the majority of work. In this case, many robotics experts have set their sight on the medical field.

According to various reports, the global medical robotics market is expected to grow to $20 billion by 2023. The key driver for this growth comes from the demand for using robots in minimally invasive surgeries.

A wide range of robots is being developed to assist in a variety of roles within the medical industry. In this regard, Robocath is one such startup created in 2009 in Rouen, France. Founded by Bruno Fournier and Philippe Bencteux, Robocath designs develop and commercialise cardiovascular robotic systems for the treatment of vascular diseases.

Scored €5M!

Recently, the French startup has landed €5 million ($5.5M) funding to support the rollout of its robotic platform in strategic European target markets. The company has also hired Lucien Goffart as CEO.

20 years of experience in interventional cardiology

With twenty years of experience in interventional cardiology, Lucien Goffart has held several key positions in leading companies in the sector. He also has a strong track record of supporting the international marketing of new products.

Lucien Goffart, CEO of Robocath, added:

- A message from our partner -

It’s an honour for me to begin work today as CEO of Robocath. I’m impressed by the progress the company has made since it was founded and I’m excited to be working with such a young and dynamic team. R-One is a unique product that offers several advantages to physicians and, by extension, to patients.

Investors participated!

This funding round was led by both longstanding shareholders (GO CAPITAL, NCI, Normandie Participations, M Capital and Supernova Invest) and new funds (Caisse d’Epargne Normandie Innovation, Crédit Agricole innove en Normandie and Unexo, a subsidiary of the Crédit Agricole group).

R-One robotic platform!

This new funding will allow Robocath to lay the groundwork for rolling out the R-One robotic platform in many target European countries. Notably, the company raised €6.4 million ($7M) in 2017 as well.

For the uninitiated, the R-One robotic assistance platform was designed using a global approach to the needs of interventional cardiology.

R-One is designed to provide physicians with reliable, precise assistance during procedures and enhance movements creating better interventional conditions, in particular by being protected from x-rays.

Philippe Bencteux, founder & president of Robocath, said: 

I’m delighted to welcome Lucien Goffart to the company at such a key moment for us with the commercial launch of our first robotic platform. His experience in the industry is undeniable. This appointment has been made at a particularly auspicious time, with our only direct competitor, Corindus Vascular Robotics, having been bought out by Siemens for $1.1 billion (€1bn). I would like to thank our longstanding shareholders, who have once again demonstrated their belief in us by raising this new capital. We are also grateful for the support shown by new shareholders.

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