Startup generator Antler invests in 7 new Swedish tech companies



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Founded in 2017 in Singapore by Magnus Grimeland and a team of experienced entrepreneurs, investors, and company builders, Antler is a global early-stage VC helping to build the next big wave of tech. 

7 new tech companies

Recently, Antler presented their 7 newest tech portfolio companies at Antler Sweden’s Demo Day – Buddywise, Respaces, Courate, Tradebay, Nhost, Traxlo, NAG Studios. 43% have at least one female founder — in 2019, only 6% of venture capital in Sweden went to mixed teams.

#1 Buddywise – Improve industrial safety monitoring

Buddywise is a software platform that uses computer vision and machine learning to automate and improve industrial safety monitoring and workplace injury mitigation. Buddywise has raised additional pre-seed funding from the strategically important investors 183 Invest and Hans-Olov Blom, Founder & CEO of Ramudden.

#2 Respaces – Marketplace for flexible workspaces

Respaces is the marketplace for flexible workspaces – where restaurants, hotels and office owners easily can monetize unutilized space and companies easily access productive workspaces for any occasion, anywhere, anytime.

#3 Courage – Platform to start e-commerce

Courate is the best way for creators to set up their very own e-commerce, sell products they love, and help their community find new favorites.

#4 Tradebay – Large-scale fruit trading

Tradebay is a global B2B marketplace for large-scale fruit trading. 

- A message from our partner -

#5 Nhost – Serverless backend for web and mobile applications

Nhost is a full-fledged serverless backend for web and mobile applications. It enables developers to build dynamic mobile and web sites without having to worry about infrastructure, data storage, data access, and user management. Start adding value from day one!

#6 Traxlo – Shop-floor excellence

Traxlo is a Lithuanian company that brings operational shop-floor excellence through actionable insights to international retailers. Their patent-pending solution allows saving thousands of man-hours by appropriately distributing them across the stores and people.

#7 NAG Studios – Changing gaming community

NAG Studios are here to change the way competitive games are created and co-created with the professional gaming community.

Invested €2.1M to date

From 1,500 applications, 87 entrepreneurs were selected to their third cohort that launched in January 2020. Of them, 60% of the participants had built a company previously. Antler invested almost €651.24K in 7 companies in total that were all presented recently on Demo Day. To date, Antler has invested €2.1M across this cohort.  

This means that currently in Antler’s Swedish portfolio, 21% of the companies are all-female teams (7 companies), 26% are mixed teams (9 companies) and the remaining 53% are all-male teams (18 companies).

Livia Moore, the Associate Partner at Antler, says “In 2019, only 6% of venture capital in Sweden went to mixed teams. We are proud to have invested in 43% mixed teams this spring to continue to diversify the pipeline of early-stage startups to the VC community. Furthermore, we will continue to recruit founders from different backgrounds to increase diversity in the tech industry.”

Operates in 8 locations globally

The early-stage VC offers to fund from day one, stress-tests potential cofounder pairings and business models and accelerates our founders’ ability to launch and scale rapidly. Antler invests pre-seed and follow-on rounds of financing to the companies proven successful. The investment comes from local funds in the cities in which Antler is active.

Currently, Antler has 8 locations globally – Singapore, London, New York, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Sydney, Nairobi, and Oslo.

Main image credits: Antler


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