You-Stand, an Amsterdam-based startup that produces standing workspaces, has been nominated for a Dutch export award. While the Dutch are the European frontrunners when it comes to working while sitting (which is as bad as smoking, study shows), this startup wants to make Europe stand again.
No affordable standing workplaces
Frank in het Veld came up with the idea for the ‘You-Stand’ when his wife was suffering from a neck-hernia. He couldn’t find any affordable facilities to create standing workplaces, so he teamed up with a furniture designer and created the You-Stand: an affordable standing workplace. Not only did he solved his wives problem, Frank also had a new goal: to help more people work while standing.
Make Europe stand again
You-Stand is active since six months, but has already helped 500 companies, governments and organisations to make their employees work while standing. By working along with schools, You-Stand strives to get another generation out of their chairs. In het Veld has delivered You-Stands to Belgium, Germany, Austria, Swiss and England. He, therefore, makes Europe stand again and has been nominated for the Dutch Export Award.
Sitting is as bad smoking
Study after study shows how bad (too much) sitting can be. The numbers speak for themselves: the Dutch work 7,2 hours on average per week while sitting. They daily sit 8,7 hours on average. There are indications that sitting too much can lead to Type 2 diabetes and an early death, even if people do exercise or move enough. To help society overcome these health issues, Frank in het Veld has developed affordable and ergonomic workplaces called You-Stand.
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