Amsterdam Capital Week launches new program to support founders and entrepreneurs shaping the future



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In general, a country’s economic growth depends on its ability to support the growth of enterprises and the jobs it creates. Notably, the entrepreneurship creates new companies, opens up a myriad of opportunities and nurtures new skills. It’s worth mentioning that the important sources of employment in the EU comes from Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).

There are lots of programs to encourage people to become entrepreneurs and also make it easier for them to set up and grow their businesses. One such program is Amsterdam Capital Week!

Celebrating 5th anniversary!

This year, the Amsterdam Capital Week is taking place on September 23 – 25 at Capital C in Amsterdam. As a part of celebrating its 5th anniversary, the team is introducing a new concept – ‘Amsterdam Capital House’

What is Amsterdam Capital House?

Amsterdam Capital House will take place over two days in one location, at the Capital C building in Amsterdam. Focused on entrepreneurs knowledge and access to the world of capital, the program offers activities around three pillars: financial capital (how to raise funding and manage), human capital (looks into building a successful team, creating company culture) and social capital (creating and growing sustainable business and networks).

For instance, activities like creating business challenges, doing deals over dinner, promoting female entrepreneurship, matchmaking startups with investors and more will be inculcated.

Amsterdam Capital House is led by Directors Simone Schoutens and Shahar Graf, two female entrepreneurs who have been devoted to growing the Dutch startup ecosystem over the years.  Together with the support of Amsterdam Capital Week Founder, Anouk Bikkel.

- A message from our partner -

Opportunities for growth!

Through this program, Entrepreneurs are offered opportunities for growth through masterclasses, unconventional sessions, discussions and interactive workshops.

On the third day, various CEO’s and executives will share knowledge in intimate mentor sessions. These sessions will take place in different locations around the city. Capital C will open its doors in September as the new headquarters for Amsterdam’s creative industry.

Willem Sijthoff, founder Capital C, about the collaboration:

We’re excited to host Amsterdam Capital House at Capital C. Not only do we have matching names, we also share the same vision for entrepreneurial growth. Capital C will become the new clubhouse for the creative industry in Amsterdam, showing 20 art and design projects throughout the building.

Partners and collaborators!

The program is developed together with a range of renowned collaborators. The first publicly announced partners are The Next Web, Mindvalley Netherlands, Symbid, Arches Capital and InspiringFifty. Lead partners include StartupAmsterdam and The Chamber of Commerce (KVK).

Apply here! 

The Amsterdam Capital House will open its doors to 1500 entrepreneurs, creative minds, investors, community builders, corporate innovators and more. Guests that would like to join the event can apply for an entry ticket via the official website. Every application will be revised by the organization and a select group will receive their keys to the house.

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