This French startup offering cookie-free adtech solution secures €2M funding



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Paris-based startup Qwarry specialises in advertising targeting without using cookies. This adtech startup works with the goal to maximise the attention and engagement of internet users. It uses proprietary technologies and Natural Language Processing algorithm, supports advertisers and agencies to contextualise the internet users’ interests and create personalised and effective advertising targeting.

Secures €2M funding

In a recent development, Qwarry secured €2 million funding from Normandie Participations, West Web Valley, Apicap and Crédit Agricole Innove in Normandy. With this investment, the company intends to open an R&D centre in Caen and is in plans to recruit as many as 30 employees in the region.

Regarding the same, Geoffrey Berthon, co-founder stated, “We will accelerate our development and offer advertisers, publishers and media agencies to use Qwarry semantic data directly within their own advertising tools.”

Cookie-free adtech solution!

Founded in 2019 by Geoffrey Berthon and Julie Walther, this French startup is known for providing adtech solutions that do not rely on cookies. It does it by using semantic data without collecting private data such as age, gender, email address, location, etc.

As of now, GDPR requires that cookies can be used only after seeking the consent of targeted users. In the technologically advanced era, people are becoming aware of cookies and strict regulations might force companies to permanently delete their cookies. And, this is where Qwarry could be ready to lead the path with its new cookie-free solution for targeted ads.

“Semantics allow us to offer unique targeting because the advertising message is inserted according to the content read in real time by internet users and not according to data previously collected on them“, described co-founder Julie Walther.

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Main image picture credits: Qwarry

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